Perks of Going to a Big School | Graduation shoot with Anita
One of the best things about a huge school like the University of Maryland College Park is you never run out of new locations to shoot at. Granted, finding these locations is hard sometimes but the more people I meet the more it happens. My shoot with Anita was a perfect example of this. She's a computer science major and knew she wanted to take pictures in a connecting hallway between the AV Williams Building and Computer Science Instructional Center (CSIC). I would have NEVER set foot in that building. It was perfect with the setting sun shining through the windows and best of all it was indoors so we could defrost after walking around campus! Check out the pictures we took in the hallway at the end of this post, gotta build up the suspense a little right?

The sun decided to come out for a little bit which helped warm things up a little bit

Possibly now my new favorite spot on campus for pictures. It just looks SO COOL!